Within this section you will find the general insurance brokers guidance you need to ensure you carry out an advised or non advised process compliantly. All our documents have been updated following the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) being repealed on the 5th April 2024 removing all mention of the IDD but retaining the rules as required under the FCA. If you have any queries on this topic please contact us directly on 01254 675 674 or email compliance@ecompli.co.uk
Our manuals have also been updated so that they meet the Consumer Duty requirements which affects all products and services sold or renewed from the 31st July 2023. This includes ensuring products and services are fit for purpose, offer a fair value and that communications and customer support allow consumers to make and act on well-informed decisions.
Please note our General Insurance Brokers Guidance Manuals are specifically written for those within the Commercial and Personal Line sectors. The manuals contain an easy step, end-to-end process starting with when you need to supply the Terms of Business to producing a Statement of Demands & Needs. If your firm has recently taken on new advisers/consultants then this manual is a must read as it will give them in depth procedures regarding their compliance obligations and why it is important to adhere to them.